Sunday, February 17, 2013


I believe we define and shape our children. Now, I am not saying we are 100% responsible as I would like to believe that the Colorado Shooters parents didn't raise a child to kill people.  However, how we speak about things in our home does affect our children. If you spew hate, racist language, intolerance etc...your children are more likely to continue that on in their lives. Children are taught hate. They don't come out of the womb hating. So it is up to us to be the voice to help stop bullying. We can't protect our kids every day but we can educate them and give them good resources.

I had dinner with a friend last night and had to listen to her talk about her son, in elementary school, who is bullied by another kid in the locker room. Her son told her about it and asked for help. It takes a lot to ask for help. It did break my heart to hear though...I get teared up just typing this out. Where does a 8 year old learn to me mean? 

Have you been bullied?

I was bullied when I was in high school. Nothing horrible but I was always teased for my last name, DeBuse, kids would ask if I abused my parents. I remember kids telling me to go back to my own culture, etc... While it didn't define me I do remember it. Bullying has always been around...maybe you were the one doing the bullying...change can start today. I hear from friends and family about their children being bullied and as young as elementary school. It is up to us parents and educators to make a change.  STOP THE HATE.

Personally, I really just don't understand why we have to hate. It is so easy to either not say anything at all or be nice to one another. So it is our responsibility to teach tolerance. Don't be a bully, be a Star...Show Tolerance and Respect

Be the Change you Want to See in The World!

Be a STAR!

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