Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some of Cy's Favorite Things

Here are some of Cy's favorite things...

Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Racing down set.

James from Thomas the Train

Learning Curve Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway - James Lights the Way


Italtrike La Cosa Fire Truck

B. Woofer Hound Dog - Found at Target

B. Woofer Hound Dog Guitar

Cy loves to play with all music instruments. We have a drum, drum pad, piano and a Bolivian piano. He seems to have a really good ear for music and can actually keep a beat. He makes anything long and skinny into a microphone and we will catch him when he is playing, singing. He is definitely developing his creative side as he loves to do art work and music.

Here are a few Apps that Cy enjoys and maybe your child too:

  • Peekaboo Barn and Peekaboo Wild
  • Almost anything by Duck Duck Moose; Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus and Trucks
  • Monkey Lunchbox
  • Tally Tots
  • PBS Kids


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thomas the Train Day

I am not very in tune on kids activities and what is going on, so when my friend Katie told me about a Thomas the Train day event at the Golden Train Museum I couldn't help but by tickets online ASAP! 

Katie and her husband adopted their son the same time we did and we have grown to really enjoy their company.  Katie has also been an excellent resource for me as a new mother.  I swear everything she recommends Cy loves! She has also been great to talk to through this whole process as she can understand all the craziness.  Plus, Jeremy and I really learn from them and their parenting philosophy.  Let's get back to Thomas the Train adventure! 

September came and we made our way down to Golden. It was a really fun day for us and Cy just loved it!  I am attaching a few pictures from our adventure to share with you!

Cy and I riding Thomas the Train

Cy loved exploring all the different trains

What kid doesn't love a petting zoo!

We spent like an hour just sitting and walking the empty tracks.

Thomas the Train

Waiting to wave at Thomas

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cinco Meses!

We are a little past 5 months but I figured better late then never to get an update! Things are going wonderfully and I feel so lucky that he is our son! I wake up every morning so excited to see him and can't wait for the weekend to hang out with him!  The only issue we continue to have is that he doesn't sleep through the night. He wakes up around 3 to 4 times a night with either a night terror or nightmare, but that hopefully will get better. He has really bonded with us and I can see a dramatic difference in the past month. He finally started giving us, on his own, giving us hugs! It is so great! I ask him to cuddle and he puts his head next to mine. He all about Mommy and Daddy right now and really, I think, knows who we are and that we are here for him.

He is so awesome! I see personalities of Jeremy and I in him and I am thinking how can that be...he isn't blood. But he does live with us and it just goes to prove that environment defines the child. Lately he has been figuring out and been interested in IPhone Apps, Diego and Thomas the Truck.  He still really could care less about TV most of the time...but he is getting into IPhone Apps. He is eating more and more all the time. I always ask him in the morning if I look cute (with my work outfit) and he says yes. Then he comes out in his outfit and says, "cute mommy?" My heart melts!

He is still really drawn to red and loves red clothes, red stuff, etc...which is good when you are from Nebraska. Foods; Polenta, risotto, soups (the kid loves all soup), carrots, peas, lemonade, pizza, candy...he discovered candy and LOVES it, popcorn, blueberries, ground cherries (Jeremy thinks he just loves finding things outside to eat), etc...

I want to thank everyone for being in our lives! I feel that we are coming out of the depths and settling into a routine and what is more important...he really loves us! I feel so thankful everyday for the opportunity to have a family.  I can't thank Marg and Jim Nelson enough because if it wasn't for their support their might be no Cy and I can't imagine our world without him. I love being a mother, teaching, playing with him, cuddling with him, etc...

Life is good!

Peace and Love

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How do I get my kid to eat veggies?

I really want Cy to eat more veggies instead of Cheezy's, however it is so hard.  Also, I am more focused on getting him to just eat then worry about what he eats later.  We decided a few months ago that we would make toddler friendly dinners (good thing Cy has a palate) and if he eats he eats and if he doesn't he doesn't. 

When you are a working mom time is very valuable and I really just want to spend as much quality time with my son as possible! I don't always want to be spending my time cooking because by the time you get home at 5:30pm...get dinner it can be 6:30pm or 7 sometimes, then he takes a bath and off to bed. So I cut corners a lot, but healthy corners are hard to find.

Well I discovered a quick easy fix for this and Cy loves it and it is good for him!  I really like Dr. McDougall's and such a yummy and fast alternative when you kind of feel lazy! is ALL Veggies and lentils!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Favorite Things

Collard Greens!!!!
Can you stream Netflix? If so, make your husband watch! My husband has got so many tips! But your spouse will need to be open-minded. :) I got an amazingly cooked dinner and romance from tips from these fab five!        

Favorite Things

Favorite Things!

CitraSolv! My second mother Kathy got me into this and I love it! You can find it at Whole Foods and Vitamin Cottage in Fort Collins!    

Queso Melt Original Block
Queso-Melt is a necessity in our household. It is like my Velveeta but WAY better!

Oh need I say more! It is rated an 81 from Wine Spectator and inexpensive!      


There is a lot to be said about Facebook in both good and bad.  However, I have chosen to look and utilize it as good.  It has been 5 months since Cy has been home and a lot of my activities that I became custom to are just really hard to do right now.  People that I normally talk to have been missed, but there are a few people that I never loose touch with on a daily basis. They are the people that I chat with on Facebook. via email and Instagram.

One of my earliest memories was of my grandmother was sitting at her desk writing letters to her friends. She was amazing writer and wonderful at how well she kept in touch with people. She had friends she had met once but wrote letters to on a regular basis until she died. Maybe a picture of kids or grand-kids, but mostly just feelings, thoughts, etc...In her pantry next to the kidney beans was stock piles of cards. I swear I think that she bought them every time they went on sale and even after she passed I still took some with me...and that was almost 20 years ago. My grandmother was an amazing woman who made a huge impact on my life and defines who I am today.  One thing that I always admired her for was her passion for keeping in touch.  She was an amazing woman!

Things have changed since my grandmothers time, things have become easier.  You no longer have to buy paper, envelope or send out in postage. You can have that friend on Facebook or Instagram and keep up on what is going on in their lives. Instead of sitting down and thinking of your letter you can make a comment on a post and  you does count.  I love these social media sites for this vary reason.  Being my age I have friends all over the place and I am sure I will move again in my life but what I love is the easy way to keep in touch. Even without social media...we have the Internet! Shoot an email to a good friend across the seas.  I have become closer to friends via Facebook and I love it! Wishing that some of my friends lived closer or I to them.

I think if my grandmother was alive today she would be so impressed with how accessible it is to keep your friendships healthy and alive. I acknowledge this writing situation as I have gained some really close friends and they are not even in my backyard.  Friends whom I can't wait to hear about their day or see the pictures of their first day of school. It is just so wonderful! I feel so thankful everyday for the people in my life.  For the people whom makes me smile and laugh through their words. People always think friends have to be at your back door when really they can be across the ocean floor.

Remember...keeping in touch is easy. Pay attention to those relationships that are healthy and maybe sometime...pick up a pen...and write an actual letter.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 2, 2012

8 Pounds and a Muffin Top later...

These past 4 months I have literally ate my feelings! TCBY at work almost everyday, fast food (I know so bad but when you are starving and driving a kid around for hours what other choice), sweets, root beer floats, brownies, did I mention the sweets.  Seriously, Jeremy and I have strayed so far but we are flipping a bitch and coming back around!

I have been back hitting the pavement and as long as my body can handle it...I love running. I take Cy on my runs and we do about 20 minutes (run/walk) and I have convinced my awesome husband to do strength training with me once a week. My goal if we can get some form of exercise 3x a month...that is good for now. This doesn't include all the walks and chasing around a toddler! Now the hard part...the food!

Loving food and living well I believe can go hand and hand...and I love good food. Even what I feed Cy is somewhat gourmet and he has developed a taste for some good food, hence since the kid rarely eats regular toddler food (mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs...the kid won't eat). I keep praying that he will be a chef and not the chef at Applebee's  but a chef at a famous restaurant or maybe open up his own! I hope all our travels expose him to amazing cultures and food!  Living my life I want for me and my family I basically decided on smaller portions, no fried food (unless for a treat), limited dairy and reducing some other areas. I like everything, meat, veggies, beans, cheese, etc. So I figure diversity is important. With having Cy we kind of eat the same thing all the time and that is probably not the best, but our reality. I am a HUGE fan of eating Mediterranean/Italian/Spanish style with an occasional steak. I am excited to see how much I will loose as December is my goal!

Feels soooo good to be getting back in the saddle again! Even if I run one day I feel great! Healthy body = Healthy mind! Slowly getting back in gear!  I actually told Jeremy today that I might be okay with a little Muffin Top! As I love to eat and enjoy a good glass of wine...can I never have a muffin top? I am not sure but what I do that to live is to eat!