Welcome to our lives! I hope this blog brings you laughter, knowledge, and enjoyment as you follow my and my family's everyday journey. I had a blog awhile back that was just focused on food, however I realized I had so much more to talk about and needed to expand my content. Our family keeps growing and learning and I realized that some people out there might be interested in this journey.
My husband and I recently became chicken owners! We are the proud parents of 6 adopted Rhode Island Reds! I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to get them! I do not live on a farm or out of city limits. I live right here in suburban Fort Collins. About a year ago Fort Collins passed an ordinance that allowed everyday people like myself, living in suburbia, to have backyard chickens. I honestly think I could do a daily blog on chickens alone they are just so much fun and interesting. You will hear a lot of stories and information about the chickens as we move along this journey.
Aside from the chickens I love to eat, cook and garden. I believe in whole foods as much as possible. My goal for my family in my last blog was to make us as limited as possible on processed food and we were successful. I would say only 20 to 30% of our food is processed. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE going out to eat and I can wait to share with you some fun and interesting places in and around Colorado. The main way to eat healthy (and cheap) is to learn how to grow your own stuff. Whether you live in an apartment or house, there are ways that you can eat healthy year round and I hope to share those with you.
I am by no means a vegetarian, vegan or anything such! What I am is a locavore and a foodie! What is a locavore you ask? "Someone who seeks out locally grown and produced foods", New Oxford American Dictionary. I try my hardest to eat grass fed beef, chicken from places where I know the bird has lived a happy life, like Jodar Farms (http://www.jodarfarms.com/pages/farm), black raspberry jam from my mother-in-laws wild bushes, honey from Copocos Honey (http://www.copocoshoney.com/), veggies from my garden and yummy breads (http://www.facebook.com/goodseedbakery) and so on and so on. I believe what grows together goes together, however I am not perfect and you will see I do use food weekly from the grocery store, packaged, etc...because let's face it...I live in Colorado. Our growing season is short and I seriously love avocados!
Another big part of this blog is Jeremy's and my journey to get our son Cy. We are adopting from South Korea and couldn't be happier!! I hope you join me in the journey to bring Cy home and and once he is home. Adoption can be a very long and arduous rode with an outcome so wonderful it changes your life forever. There are so many products, information, books and just regular baby information I can't wait to share with you. I am sure this blog is more for me, but I hope you enjoy!
Peace and Love,
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