Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Raising Rhode Island Reds. 

What is a Rhode Island Red? They are one of the more famous and all time popular breeds of truly American chickens. Developed in the early part of this century in the state of the same name, they have maintained their reputation as a dual purpose fowl. They are known for being an excellent brown egg layer. They are very mild mannered and are fairly hearty birds. Excellent I feel for Colorado!

Our chickens have quite the area for a backyard operation!  They reside in a luxurious double-decker coop on the south side of Barnwood with a play area below their nesting and roosting area. The ladies use to be pretty good at sharing the roosting bar, but not so much anymore. About 4 of them sit on the roosting bar, but the other two must reside in the nesting boxes. Jeremy installed another rooster, but they haven't quite figured that part out. I am quickly learning the meaning of "chicken head."  They are not the brightest and I swear all they do is eat and more eat and eat some more!! I could watch all day as they try and figure out how to go up the ramp, silly chickens.

One thing I have learned is that chickens love TREATS!!!  But seriously who doesn't! Here are some of my ladies favorite:
  • Bread
  • Acorn Squash
  • Spinach, Lettuce, LOVE Kale
  • Oatmeal
  • Greens (carrot, beet, etc)
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • and their most favorite...WATERMELON!
Here is a picture of the ladies eating their favorite snack!! The only thing left will be a little bit of the green (and I mean little!

Here is a picture of our favorite chicken. She is one of the leaders of their little clan as she gets the rooster spot every night. However, what I love his her red comb! It is so large it just flops over.

The ladies are excited to share their stories with you and I am excited to share the journey Jeremy and I have with them!

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