Monday, March 25, 2013

Poop in the Toilet

Jeremy and I have started potty training Cy. I swear we love daycare as they have totally helped in this process as they have him try every hour at school. Last weekend was a HUGE success as Cy figured out when to poop in the toilet! He usually will poop a little in his diaper then, run to the toilet but multiple times he went before going in the toilet! So exciting!  I never thought watching your kid poop could be so exciting but it totally is just a blast!

I kind of feel bad as Cy had his first spicy poop experience. He ate some spicy food this weekend and then pooped and the poor kid cried..."mommy butt burns." I felt bad for him but had to laugh and explain spicy food goes in...yummy and comes out painful. To funny.

Not sure how far away we are until never needing a diaper but we are on the path! I can only imagine how much money we will save once he is potty trained!

Next up is buying him underpants so we can tempt him. Thank you Amazon for carrying Thomas and Mickey Mouse Underpants!

Peace and Love from the Potty Train!

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