Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fairness and Equality

Life is so difficult all of us struggle each day just to make it. We all need people to love, cherish, inspire and support us. I was adopted into a family that did that for me. Despite our differences in color and sexual preference all of us went on to become healthy, happy loving adults. It is important that ALL of us have families that we are either born into, or that we create that give us the nurturing and strength that we need to make it through the struggles of life. Our time is better spent not in telling others WHO they should love, but rather in supporting the relationships of others. None of us can make it on our own. This is why I support marriage equality. Love who you choose to love. - Michael Franti

I have to say how much this whole struggle for equality blows my mind. Because I seriously do not know what is SO difficult about allowing people rights. I don't understand how people have so much hate and negativity and spread it to their off spring. You can only hope once their kids grow up they make good choices. I am not saying you have to like or love everyone but isn't this world fucked up enough that we could stand to have a little bit more love, patience and tolerance.

Conservatives preach this whole sanctity of marriage which I am sorry is a load of crap! Especially when some of the same preachers have been divorced, cheated, etc.. I heard on NPR on the way to work today that a conservative talking that it is unfair to the child to not be born without the benefit of a mother or father! Hence he meant if two woman had kids or if two men had children. Seriously! Talking about that their is no scientific data on how Gay Marriage effects kids???? Are you kidding me? Read the fucking paper jackass. Watch the news. There are so many unfit heterosexual parents out there and you are telling me that because they are heterosexuals they are above all in rights to have kids, fuck them up because they are a man and a woman! I know a lot of people raised by a single mother with no daddy ever present or visa versa, gay couples and they turn out just fine.

I honestly think that our country is so skewed because of hate. It is so much easier to accept people and just be happy. Certain sector preach marriage is a religious institution and has no place being determined by the government.  However, there are a lot of churches that are accepting of homosexuals...so shouldn't they be able to be married at their church?  Also, if you have been in a committed relationship with someone for 20+ years and they are dying of cancer don't you think you should be allowed to be by their bed side. I just don't understand peoples ignorance. On June 12th, 1967 Loving v. Virginia passed the Supreme Court ALLOWING interracial marriage! 1967! Went to the Supreme Court and had to be decided. This is our fight! This is our generations fight for civil rights! Stand up and fight for Equality!

As I continue to watch the fall out of this debate I sit back with an achy heart to people's perceptions. I can only hope and pray that our generations civil rights movement ends well and gives people basic human rights that everyone deserves! I feel thankful of the state that I live in that they finally passed Civil Unions. I know in my house acceptance, tolerance and love will be taught...no matter the fight, who is President, etc..

Good Read:

My husband and I read this book awhile ago and found it a good read. What we liked about it is that Jesus NEVER taught hate. He taught love and acceptance. WE (meaning humans) taught hate. 

Front Cover
Jesus, The Bile and Homosexuality

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