Life has a funny way to rear it's head out sometimes. Last week I was in an accident that might result in my Jeep Liberty going bye-bye. While I am thankful more then anything that I am okay and the people in the other car are is such a financial bummer! We have lived with one car for over six years. Which makes it easy is that my husband bikes to work so I am able to use the car. It is also cheaper for Jeremy or myself to rent a car for a day or two if we have too then having a car payment.
As a society we live with car payments. We need cars! At least in Fort Collins our public transportation sucks, we don't have a train system and the lack of good public transportation leaves you with no choice. So these past few days have resulted in us arguing, researching and reviewing finances on buying a car/SUV. Here is where our dilemma lies, with adopting our son we always knew we would need to eventually get a second car. What we liked is that we had the Jeep payed off and then would get a second car. After an awesome phone call today with the insurance adjuster we are possibly looking at the Jeep being totaled (the auto body shop sent back to insurance some more supplements so the total cost is around 5K and our Jeep is a 2002 with 130K miles) and having to get two cars right off the bat AND go to Korea to get our son! Seriously...this is ridiculous! I want to throw our hands up in the air.
My husband who is more of an optimist then myself is being a lot more practical then me. I think I am bumming more because we just can't do it all, financially. How do people do it I question. We need a car...if not two and we have to go to Korea to get our son...which isn't cheap! It is super frustrating and we don't financially have the money to do it all so where do we sacrifice? Can we sacrifice if the Jeep doesn't get fixed...Ugh!
I guess I am writing openly about this in my blog to get my feelings off my chest and to know if anyone has ever gone through anything like this and can offer up some good old fashioned advice!
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