Saturday, April 21, 2012

First Week

We have made our first week with Cy and all things considered things are moving as good as can be expected. He still really hasn't eaten but our doctor said it will come with time. What can you expect when someone was literally on formula for the first 2 years of their life. However, I keep trying food all the time with him, the hard part is that you waste a lot.  He really seems to like to eat what we eat too.

He is still more attached to me but does well when I leave with Jeremy.  We tried a new plan last night. Jeremy sleeps with him through the night and I sleep in our room. The split shifts in the middle of the night were killing us and Jeremy is and has always been a better sleeper. It takes me forever to fall asleep and when I would wake up with him I think I am a little more stressed. We have had people over in our first week but haven't left the house with him. There is so much out there on what to do, however the notes from his foster mom were that he really likes people. We figure small doses as long as he then came back to us were fine.  We haven't heard from our social worker yet, so we will see what she says.  We are venturing out today for the first time to Lee Martinez Farm in Fort Collins. Figure for a few hours then a car ride for a nap will be good. 

My biggest worries is if we are doing things okay.  I guess until our social worker contacts us we are just winging it.

Cy's First Week Likes:

  1. Seaweed chips
  2. Green beans
  3. Formula (haha! I had to put that in for him in the future)
  4. David and Melissa's cereal mix for Owen
  5. Water -- he didn't really drink water either. Weird I know.
  6. His teddy bear his foster mom gave him on his 1st birthday
  7. He ate mac and cheese once.
  8. Being outside. 
  9. He says Hi, Bye, Okay really well
  10. He did eat some of Owen's sandwich
He also seems to be lactose intolerant. Jeremy doesn't agree but I have him mostly on soy and bought some Vegan cheese for him to try. All we can do is keep trying!

I want to thank the love and support or our family and friends. Thank you for the food, understanding, errand running, etc...  I want to thank Christy (fellow adopter), thank you for being there for me via text message! It is nice to talk with someone who knows what you are going through.

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