Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Our first holiday season with Cy at home is amazing! I can't express how thankful I am to have him in our  home! I thought for sure I would be going crazy on gifts for him this year and I have to say I am WAY more subdued than expected. As I am running around doing last minute shopping I find my self overwhelmed with all the toys and thinking I am just so happy to have him home.  It is kind of crazy the whole present thing. I am a giver and love to receive but when it comes to children I swear it can be to much. This family was actually arguing in Toys R Us yesterday about the gifts for their child. I was blown away as I found myself just standing there staring at them.

The holidays are always special to me but will forever take a different perspective after having my son. Such gratitude and thankful will be upon me every season for Cy being in my life.

Here are some of the gifts that I LOVE that we are getting Cy this year:

Strider Balance Bike

Mini Hot Rod HR1

Take time this holiday season to put the presents aside and enjoy time with family and friends! My life has changed so much for the better this past year. I have spent so much time with my amazing family, making new friends and fostering such strong friendships with old and current friends. Such an amazing year with only many many more to come! We are truly so happy, thankful and grateful!

Peace and Love from the Nelsons!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cleaning Out the Closet

I just went through Cy's closet and I have to wasn't horrible.  I was kind of surprised by a few of the Gap shirts, but I shopped subconsciously smart. Overall, I was pretty excited that I didn't have to throw out his whole closet. He has a few sweaters with a touch of wool and polyester, however I think if there is a shirt on underneath we should be okay.  Jeremy wanted me to just throw it all out, but I held on a little to a few pieces. We had to throw away almost all of his pajamas away, Gymboree, Hannah Anderson and Babys R Us brand survived the cut...all 100% cotton! I personally LOVE shopping at Baby's R Us clothes and everything I purchased was all 100% cotton!  Yeah me!

Cy was sleeping in a polyester kids sleeping bag, which he loved and I threw that one out the window! Seriously, I can't believe we were letting him sleep in that thing! I purchased some new sheets, 100% cotton and checked the sheet on his bed and it was 100% cotton. I feel pretty good in that respect!  Now we probably need another blanket/comforter for him. He sleeps with the blanket my friend Kristi made him but he needs a little bit more coverage.

A child with eczema is all about helping them live with it. We knew Cy had eczema when he was in Korea...but we didn't have an outbreak or anything really dramatic so we didn't think much of it. These past few weeks have been horrible for the little dude. I am hoping that cleaning house a little might help. I also can't say enough for having a house cleaner come every few weeks! One of the smartest things we did.

Well tomorrow is the allergy test. I really hope he isn't allergic to much, but the rash around his mouth and hives makes me think he might be allergic to something. From my puffy boy and to you later!

Favorite Retailers for 100% Cotton!
  • Tea Collection
  • Hannah Anderson
  • Gap - But make sure you read label. There are things that have polyester and wool!
  • Babys R Us! Cy has a lot by Amy Coe and everything is 100%. Even the $10 cute Santa pj's are 100% cotton.
  • Gymboree - Make sure to check labels
  • Old Navy - Make sure to check labels

Peace and Love!

Eczema...How do You Protect Your Children

My son suffers severe eczema and it kind of hit us like a train this winter. While I am waiting to get an allergy test done all my research tells me that 100% cotton is the best and kick the synthetic fibers to the curb.

Here are some triggers for Eczema. What I have read and from out allergist that Hay Fever and Asthma is VERY common in kids with Eczema. Sooo we are just waiting for results from allergist.
  • Wool (is the WORST!), Synthetic fibers, Polyester, etc
  • Biological washing powders
  • Pet fluff and pet dander’s
  • Parental smoking (we don't so no worries)
  • Emotional factors - keeping stress levels down.
  • Detergents
  • House dust mite
  • Food, additives and colorings

Here are some good websites for clothes:

Best Places to Buy Sheets:

Kids with eczema need 100% cotton sheets. Polyester or synthetic only irritate their skin. So changing pajamas and sheets is a big overhaul. Here are a few places where you can get good quality sheets!
  • Pottery Barn Kids
  • Bed Bath and Beyond
  • Gaiam
  • Amazon
Of course I can shop at a variety of places, however I will just need to make sure to read the tags. I bought Cy all these cute jeans for winter...yeah not so much. Poor kid needs soft cotton pants.

I will journal my journey through Cy's eczema more as I learn and grow to help my child and hopefully help other people. I swear everything I find is in Australia and maybe we can get more US resources.

Peas and love!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thank you Mr. President

Letter from the President

- - - - - - -

As a Nation that believes all children deserve the chance to reach their full potential, we have a fundamental responsibility to ensure each of them grows up knowing the love and protection of a permanent family. During National Adoption Month, we give voice to children who are still waiting for that opportunity, celebrate the bond that unites adoptive parents with their sons and daughters, and recommit to providing every child with the care and security that will nurture their development and well-being.
Later this month, many Americans will also mark National Adoption Day by completing a foster care adoption and embracing a new member of their family. Driven by reasons unique to their households but united by the spirit of compassion that moves all who choose to adopt, these parents will take up our country's most important task -- the work of raising our sons and daughters. As we celebrate the contributions of adoptive parents across our Nation, let us also strive to eliminate discriminatory barriers that would separate foster children from a loving family. Adoptive families come in many forms, and it is essential that all qualified adults have the opportunity to care for a child in need.

My Administration remains committed to helping every child find a loving home. We have partnered with faith-based and community organizations across America to help connect children with adoptive parents, and we continue to work with State, local, and tribal governments to improve child outcomes; enhance safety, permanency, and well-being; and support adoptive families. I was proud to sign the Affordable Care Act and the International Adoption Simplification Act, which have made it easier for families to adopt, as well as the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act, which will help reduce the length of time young children are without families. We have built on those efforts as part of the National Adoption Campaign, which continues to bring adoption and foster care into our national conversation.

Thousands of children living in America hope for the comfort and safety of a loving family. This month, we pay tribute to the dedicated professionals who help make those children's dreams a reality, sharpen our resolve to find a permanent home for every child, and celebrate the stories of all whose lives have been touched by adoption.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2012 as National Adoption Month. I encourage all Americans to observe this month by answering the call to find a permanent and caring family for every child in need, and by supporting the families who care for them.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.


November is National Adoption Month

With it being National Adoption month I hope to do various post about Adoption. I know this year Larimer County is doing it's first ever National Adoption Day Celebration at the court house. It is really exciting how in recent years adoption has been so mainstreamed. I feel so fortunate every day for my son Cy! I believe VERY strongly in adoption/foster care.  

One thing I hope to bring more to light are some things that I found very important and personal to me.  Throughout this month I will highlight some of our struggles and wins. We went through extensive training before Cy came home preparing us for how we might feel, attachment, grieving, etc...However, we weren't really prepared for a toddler. Don't get me wrong as the date continually changed I was aware of his age...just not really a toddler. There wasn't much for resources on Toddler Adoption and the Weavers Craft can freak anyone out. I remember reading information on the Internet saying you shouldn't leave your child for 6 months, don't do this and don't do that. I wanted desperately to do the right thing. I literally freaked out and finally called my social worker crying because I just didn't know what to do and they didn't really know how to help as we were the first group to bring Toddlers home from Korea. Her advice, make sure to take care of you and Jeremy. So we did that. We sat down and wrote out what we wanted to do. I lost some people close to me for my decisions as even though we might make those doesn't mean they are easy.  I mean we kept thinking...shit what do we do!

I know my husband and I felt very lost as everything we read was for babies. I even remember training they told us to sit on a yoga ball since the babies would be heavy (to protect our backs) and my son is climbing the kitchen cabinets and running all over the place. Frantically flipping through my resource books I was told to read and really finding nothing. Cy was 22 months when he came home, he wasn't this tiny baby. He was this mobile kid with a voice, opinion and he was moving!  I have to be thankful for some friends who had two kids who said if we went from 0 to this we would freak out. I was like thank god I am not crazy because this is insane! Not because we didn't love our son because we were so unprepared.

It is kind of funny but literally around six months it got easier or we just got used to it, who knows. It was literally like stepping outside and everything was crisper. I got it. I am not afraid to share that I went through a little depression or that my family struggled in the beginning. I am not perfect. It wasn't all ice cream and suckers after two weeks. What I feel is important that every adoption is different and I want people to know how you choose to handle the transition doesn't make you a bad person. One piece of advice I can give is to always to what is best for you and your family.

I hope this month to try and post as much information on Toddler Adoption as possible to be a resource for others. Especially now Korean Adoption all children coming home will be toddler or older.

Peace and Love!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Role Models

I will be ever in search of positive role models for my son both Korean and American. What is great is that one of my favorite chefs is both; David Chang - Korean American.  As a foodie I have followed him for years and once we found out we were adopting from Korea I followed him even more. I love checking out his recipes as they are so innovative. I made one for our friends Adrienne and Mark when they came over for dinner, probably not as good as David's but none the less not without effort.

I have to promote his new show coming out soon "The Mind of a Chef" here is a great article recently on the new show! Those of you who follow my blog know my desire for Cy to be a Chef.

Here is a little preview to share of his new show. I am so excited to have another chef to follow and can't wait to suck Cy in!

Stocking Stuffers

Being our first Christmas with our son and he is a toddler I am so excited to share with him the whole experience that is Christmas/Winter Solstice! I have already started to shop for stocking stuffers and gifts. Every child is different but here are a few ideas.

1. Black Diamond Spot Headlamp
2. Goggles - for swimming
3. Favorite character coloring book - Thomas or Diego
4. Fun socks
5. My son is loves chocolate so something chocolatey.
6. In our family it is tradition to give to every year Santa donates a toy in Cy's name. He will not understand it now, but the tradition will keep on and he will grow to understand.
7, Kalidiscope
8. Maraca
9. Mini Etch a Sketch
10. Harmonica
11. Start a tradition of a Christmas book
12. Fun bath toy

These are just ideas I have for this year. Obviously they change every year as your child gets older, but I do love these so far!

Jim lives on...

“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.”
― Jim Morrison

I found this quote after a week or so of re-connecting with friends. I loved it! I had such great conversations where I just felt like those connections were meant to happen.  It is funny how true friends are always there no matter where we live or where we are in our lives it is like picking up as if you were never separated.  All of us have taken such very different journeys, becoming these extraordinary women who I can only be so thankful that they are in my life.  Our lives can be so crazy and hectic and it is so nice to sit down and laugh and just be with the people that you are so close too.  Some of my friends have been with me through so much and I with them and through it all we will always be connected on such a deep level. 

A friend of mine I met out here as we were both delegates during the last election with kids and life we had kind of gone our own way and now we are re-connected. She said to me, "I am always here." I loved that because it is so true. No excuses, no pretend...just real.

So this is to all my current friends and my recent conversations these past few weeks with old friends that have brightened up the day. You all along the way have helped to shape me into the woman I am today. I know time, life and distance has separated us and I can only hope that we keep the connections. 

Thank you for always loving me as I have always loved you! In the words of Jim Morrison, as my girls from college can appreciate as we wore out our Doors CD's he always had great words.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sleepless in Fort Collins

Cy has struggled with sleeping through the night since we brought him home. In the 6 months he has maybe slept 3 times through out the night. Currently he wakes up anywhere between 2 to 5 times a night. Sometimes it is only for a few minutes he is just hungry, sometimes they are a wicked fit and sometimes he is just crying.  There are a variety of factors involved in his sleep issues: Night Terrors/Nightmares, Learned hunger and probably our night time ritual.

There is a big difference between night terrors and nightmares. Jeremy and I, for obvious reasons, have learned a lot about the differences. Night terrors usually occur 2 to 3 hours after the child has fallen asleep and during Non-REM sleep. What happens is the child moves from deep sleep in the non-REM stage to a lighter REM sleep. During this transition dreams appear, hence causing the night terror. What is the crazy part of the night terror is that the child doesn't know they are asleep. We have been told to stay calm and just be present in case Cy might hurt himself as he can throw himself violently around or cry. We have also been told to never wake him. They say the most common cause is sleep deprivation, but Cy is on a regular routine. He doesn't have them consistently but about once to two times a week.  Children do not remember a night terror, but will remember a nightmare. Nightmares usually occur after 1am and Cy will be awake for most of those. Seems more willing to be comforted.

I found this great article on line about the Four Reasons Toddlers Wake Up. What I liked about the article is that is got me thinking on other avenues to do research because since Cy was bottled fed by his foster mother for the first two years of his life AND she fed him 2x in the night he did get use to eating. He also slept next to his foster mother for two years and we are trying to get him to sleep on his own. This transition Jeremy or I will be in the room with him for 15 minutes to an hour some nights putting him to sleep. My reading has led me to believe that our nightly ritual of rubbing his back, singing, etc can effect him when he wakes out of a sleep cycle and we are not there. The suggestion is to just put them to sleep on their own when they are awake, but we haven't even implemented that part of our process. Cy is also a total snorer. We recently took him to the doctor and they detected wheezing in his lungs. He is currently taking being treated for it with a drug to help open his airways, but who knows. So as you can tell we have a ton of factors and a TON of situations that we have experienced at night. The deal is now, how do we fix them so he sleeps through the night.

Once we figure out the key factor and reason for his sleep disturbances we might be able to solve them. I wrote this blog post because after talking with a friend from college it made me realize how common these situations are and how much more informed we can be on a personal level. My goal is to try and journal the next few weeks to keep track of why he is waking up and the reason. Then hopefully be able to track a trend. Jeremy does majority of sleep duty with Cy as once I wake up...I am up til I go to work and after a few days of that I am NO fun to be around. We shared duties for the first 4 months and I have to say I was a bitch! I could barely think and have never felt so tired. So I will update you after our experiment. I will blog each night for the two weeks and see a trend.

Peace and Love and good sleeping!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ode to Glee

I have to say without having TV, I was a little late to Glee...but let me tell you I have caught up! I love the show for so many reasons. I love Broadway and Theater so that is the easy part. I do believe there is always a message and I listen and think it is so fantastic. I love the talent. I love that the show let's kids see it is okay to be themselves, make a mistake or speak out of turn and a true friend will always be there. The message I take away is to always be true to yourself.  Accept your mistakes and allow forgiveness. It is okay to say you were wrong, I am sorry, here is how I can make it better. To accept people that are different then you as they just might teach you something about yourself.  Call me a dork, but I love this show! So to totally Gleek out as my husband would are just a few...

So I wanted to share a few clips of my favorite scenes and songs!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Adoption Tax Credit

How do you think you would feel if you had to pay full coverage to have your biological child. Adoptive parents are no different then biological, just instead of having their own they made the choice to give an opportunity/family and life to a child that might not of had that option.  Adoption is no different then biological and children are raised with the same amount of love, protection, opportunities and care. If I could afford it I would adopt more children then my son. The average domestic adoption ranges from $12K to $25K and the average international adoption ranges from $20 to $35K this is just the cost of adoption.

Attached is the link for Adoptive Families for statistics for Adoption Cost

Some people always ask why some adoptions cost more or take longer...I found this great information on a blog. Why Do Some Adoptions Cost More or Take Longer

Below is just some basic cost information. This does NOT include travel which now for International every country requires you to do.

Domestic Adoption includes, but not limited to: Legal Fee's, Agency Fee's, Foster Care, Home study, FBI screening (basically very extensive background screening), court fees, etc..

International Adoption, Costs for personnel, administrative overhead, training, education, legal services and communications, working with government and agency authorities, legal fees, and passport and U.S. visa fees in the child's country. The fees also cover costs related to the care of your child prior to adoption, including -- but not limited to -- costs for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, foster care, orphanage care, and any other services provided directly to your child. It also includes any mandatory donations required by child welfare authorities. This fee may also cover child welfare projects in your child's country of origin.

Help make Adoption Affordable and give another child a home.

Support HR 4373 and S 3616

Six Months

I am a little late but we celebrated Cy's six months home on October 13th. It truly feels like yesterday that we stepped off the plane. It has been such an emotional roller coaster with the past month, finally coming to a halt. My husband is of the most patient people and we were reflecting with some friends about how far we have come and how hard it was in the beginning. For my husband to feel it was hard you can only imagine the difficulty. When people adopt every story is different. We had a group of 6 people in our training and every single one of us has had a completely different experience, both personally and with our children. Each story and experience is a notch in our journey. I have to thank so many people that were so supportive during this whole process and I am writing notes now. I have learned a lot about myself and feel that I have grown as a person, wife and mother. I am probably a little different then the person I was six months ago...but still the same.

I have enjoyed the new friends having a child has brought us. I swear neighbors have come out of the wood word to hang out with us. It is amazing how children can bring people together. Cy is talking so much right now. He is trying sooo hard to form sentences. He can say 3 word sentences. School is teaching him potty training so that is going well. His motor skills are great! He can run and walk so much better then even 3 months ago. He is starting to gain weight...he has gained 2.5lbs in 3 months (considering he went down to 24lbs after growing 3 inches). He is wearing his glasses all the time. He is just really thriving in all environments. Now we just have to worry about normal toddler stuff.

I am counting the days down to Friday, November 16th as it will be a huge function at the courthouse for National Adoption Day! Our friends go right before us to welcome Colton as a US citizen and it really is so great to share this experience with them. It is such a important day for me, not because I haven't felt like Cy is my son from day one but because I am so excited that it is official.

Right now I am just enjoying the time I get to spend with Cy, but who knows if there will be a brother or sister for Cy....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Strength of Soul, Strength of Mind

I seriously have been hitting a wall at 2pm everyday since we have had Cy. It doesn't matter if it is during the week or on the is like clock work! I have decided that the biggest thing missing from my life is exercise. I literally haven't done anything in six months and it is really time to get back on the horse.

Plan of Attack:

1. Run for 30 minutes twice a week during my lunch. I feel like it is really the best time to go and I could use the break from work. I find that I suck at waking up earlier to go for a run and I just don't do it regularly enough to be doing it after work.
2. A cup of Green Tea in the afternoon.
3. Yoga on Sunday! I got away from this and I truly believe that for my self and body needs yoga. I am welcoming it back to my routine with open arms.

It starts this week, so I will keep you posted!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Juice It Up

I have been finding the best way to steer Cy away from milk is to give him a lot of other options! One is using our juicer to make him yummy veggie juice disguised and sweet goodness. (I am using a lot of apples because they are in season, I would use which ever fruit is most in season.

Here are a few of my favorite mixtures for him!


1 do half an apple, 1 carrot and a cup of spinach (make sure to do about 1/2 juice and 1/2 water to start)

Cukes are Us!

1/2 cucumber, 1 carrot, half an apple and some kale

Purple People Eater

1/2 a beet, 1 carrot and 1/2 an apple

Green Machine

Bunches of spinach, 1 celery and an orange

Make sure to wash all your veggies...and depending on your child's tolerance make sure to dilute the juice.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Flying the Friendly Skies

We recently took our first flight trip (other then bringing Cy home from Korea) to California and I have to say things were very smooth but their are a few necessities and preparation is key to friendly skies.  My first thing as I have gotten older I have liked flying less but love traveling more...kind of an oxymoron. So, now that I have my son I need to make sure I am always cool and collective. Here are some fun tips on how we travel and of course ever evolving!

1. I HAVE to have my comfort and that is either episodes of Anthony Bourdain or Spain on the Road Again.

2. For Cy and if your child is into the IPhone, Smartphone or IPad I highly recommend the following Apps; Duck Duck Moose Trucks, Duck Duck Moose Wheels on the Bus, Duck Duck Moose Itsy Bitsy Spider, Peekaboo Barn, Peekaboo Wild and TallyTots.  This kept Cy entertained for awhile.

3. I brought along Cy's favorite shows to watch.  We had Thomas the Train and Diego Go!

4. You can now bring through liquids for your children so don't dump before going through security! It was a life saver as Cy doesn't drink milk and finding soy, lactose free or almond milk in an airport is tough.

5. Water! As soon as I get through security I am stocking up on water for Jeremy, Cy and I.

6. Emergen-C - Don't leave home without it! I take enough for the flight and during our stay. This helps fight off the recycled air in the cabin and just the natural weaknesses that comes from traveling.

7. Snacks for Cy. I packed Kashi Strawberry Bars, Graham Crackers to munch on. Snacks for Jeremy and I, Cliff Bar, Kind and Larabars. Healthy and totally filling.

8. Suckers for take off to keep Cy's ears from popping.

9. Check in EARLY! I swear I don't know why people don't do this already but especially with kids you can check in early, get your seats assigned and check your bags. Saves you a hell lot of time!

10. Luxury but LOVE, Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling headphones.

11. Shoes! Slip on and slip off shoes and that are comfortable...TOMS or Ahnu shoes! Love them! I own both pairs and switch between. They are comfortable and easily slip off during security and kick off when taking long flights. Both pair feel like slippers.

12. What to Wear? Yoga pants or MOTHER skinny jeans (my new favs), comfortable t-shirt and over sized sweater or sweatshirt. I am telling you, go with comfy. This is just my go to outfits. I love MOTHER jeans and fortunate enough to not have to pay that much for them. Local boutique in Fort Collins, McKlarken, has great sales

13. Extra clothes. Cy peed all over me as we were going through security so I learned on the way back to bring extra clothes for everyone in our carry on.

Peace, Love and Happy Traveling!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Favorite Things for Cy

Here are some of my Favorite Things for Cy!

The Little Engine That Could Book

Remo Kids Percussion, Floor Tom, 10 Diameter with Mallet, Rain Forest Fabric
Remo Drum! Such fun for Kids

BFG34442 - Inka CropsInka Roasted Plantain Chips
Plantain Chips, we love them!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Loyal Order of Cheetahs

I was recently watching an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and they were making over the Loyal Order of Moose and I realized...why don't woman have clubs or loyal orders? I mean I know a lot of woman in book clubs or other such things but what I love about these organizations is that despite all the comarodory their is a purpose.  They give to charities, have fundraisers, support organizations, etc... I mean men are easy, not very judgmental, tolerant, etc..  Is it impossible to have a Loyal Order of Cheetahs?

Our family has a lot of charities that we donate to and are very passionate about and I would love to belong with a group of women that work together to support organizations and charities. It literally is my passion being a voice for those who cannot be heard. Helping people who need a hand up. Pointing people in the direction of good resources. My goal for the next year is looking into starting my own Loyal Order of Cheetahs.  The first thing will be finding other women who are interested and then determining the charitable organizations.  Starting an organization/foundation can take a lot of work...but when I really thought about what makes me is truly helping others. I have no idea what it takes but I love doing research.

Here are a few of my passions:

1. Adoption - Children Needing Homes
2. Assisting families who have children who are sick.

Those are just a few! I could go on and on but we are leaving on a jet plane to California.

Peace and Love!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blogging Craziness!!

I LOVE reading food blogs and here are some really fun one's for you to enjoy!

The Picky Eater

Deliciously Organic

Green Kitchen Stories

Nourished Kitchen

Easy Peasy Organic

Happy Blogging!

Peace and Love!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Gratitude Journal

As Autumn and October falls upon us here in beautiful Colorado I can't help but to be so thankful and happy for so many things!  I remember Oprah (my love) having a show about a gratitude journal. When you change the things you think about, the things you think about change - show your gratitude, appreciation, and love for the things around you. Find things you are grateful for on a daily basis. Acknowledge what you are grateful for in your life and you'll begin to see how amazing your life truly is. Now with technology you can do it on the crapper (I had to throw a little ghetto in there :))  I figure that I can do gratitude journal in a variety of ways, photograph or written word.

  • I am grateful for my son and husband
  • I am grateful that my family is healthy
  • I am grateful that today is sunny and the weather feels great!
  • I am grateful for pizza with friends tonight! Yummy homemade pizza!
  • I am grateful to go to a job with people who make me laugh everyday.
  • I am grateful for getting back into yoga and meditation!
  • I am grateful for getting back to me!
New beginnings start in a moment. You can make the change.

Peace and Love!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some of Cy's Favorite Things

Here are some of Cy's favorite things...

Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Racing down set.

James from Thomas the Train

Learning Curve Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway - James Lights the Way


Italtrike La Cosa Fire Truck

B. Woofer Hound Dog - Found at Target

B. Woofer Hound Dog Guitar

Cy loves to play with all music instruments. We have a drum, drum pad, piano and a Bolivian piano. He seems to have a really good ear for music and can actually keep a beat. He makes anything long and skinny into a microphone and we will catch him when he is playing, singing. He is definitely developing his creative side as he loves to do art work and music.

Here are a few Apps that Cy enjoys and maybe your child too:

  • Peekaboo Barn and Peekaboo Wild
  • Almost anything by Duck Duck Moose; Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus and Trucks
  • Monkey Lunchbox
  • Tally Tots
  • PBS Kids


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thomas the Train Day

I am not very in tune on kids activities and what is going on, so when my friend Katie told me about a Thomas the Train day event at the Golden Train Museum I couldn't help but by tickets online ASAP! 

Katie and her husband adopted their son the same time we did and we have grown to really enjoy their company.  Katie has also been an excellent resource for me as a new mother.  I swear everything she recommends Cy loves! She has also been great to talk to through this whole process as she can understand all the craziness.  Plus, Jeremy and I really learn from them and their parenting philosophy.  Let's get back to Thomas the Train adventure! 

September came and we made our way down to Golden. It was a really fun day for us and Cy just loved it!  I am attaching a few pictures from our adventure to share with you!

Cy and I riding Thomas the Train

Cy loved exploring all the different trains

What kid doesn't love a petting zoo!

We spent like an hour just sitting and walking the empty tracks.

Thomas the Train

Waiting to wave at Thomas

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cinco Meses!

We are a little past 5 months but I figured better late then never to get an update! Things are going wonderfully and I feel so lucky that he is our son! I wake up every morning so excited to see him and can't wait for the weekend to hang out with him!  The only issue we continue to have is that he doesn't sleep through the night. He wakes up around 3 to 4 times a night with either a night terror or nightmare, but that hopefully will get better. He has really bonded with us and I can see a dramatic difference in the past month. He finally started giving us, on his own, giving us hugs! It is so great! I ask him to cuddle and he puts his head next to mine. He all about Mommy and Daddy right now and really, I think, knows who we are and that we are here for him.

He is so awesome! I see personalities of Jeremy and I in him and I am thinking how can that be...he isn't blood. But he does live with us and it just goes to prove that environment defines the child. Lately he has been figuring out and been interested in IPhone Apps, Diego and Thomas the Truck.  He still really could care less about TV most of the time...but he is getting into IPhone Apps. He is eating more and more all the time. I always ask him in the morning if I look cute (with my work outfit) and he says yes. Then he comes out in his outfit and says, "cute mommy?" My heart melts!

He is still really drawn to red and loves red clothes, red stuff, etc...which is good when you are from Nebraska. Foods; Polenta, risotto, soups (the kid loves all soup), carrots, peas, lemonade, pizza, candy...he discovered candy and LOVES it, popcorn, blueberries, ground cherries (Jeremy thinks he just loves finding things outside to eat), etc...

I want to thank everyone for being in our lives! I feel that we are coming out of the depths and settling into a routine and what is more important...he really loves us! I feel so thankful everyday for the opportunity to have a family.  I can't thank Marg and Jim Nelson enough because if it wasn't for their support their might be no Cy and I can't imagine our world without him. I love being a mother, teaching, playing with him, cuddling with him, etc...

Life is good!

Peace and Love

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How do I get my kid to eat veggies?

I really want Cy to eat more veggies instead of Cheezy's, however it is so hard.  Also, I am more focused on getting him to just eat then worry about what he eats later.  We decided a few months ago that we would make toddler friendly dinners (good thing Cy has a palate) and if he eats he eats and if he doesn't he doesn't. 

When you are a working mom time is very valuable and I really just want to spend as much quality time with my son as possible! I don't always want to be spending my time cooking because by the time you get home at 5:30pm...get dinner it can be 6:30pm or 7 sometimes, then he takes a bath and off to bed. So I cut corners a lot, but healthy corners are hard to find.

Well I discovered a quick easy fix for this and Cy loves it and it is good for him!  I really like Dr. McDougall's and such a yummy and fast alternative when you kind of feel lazy! is ALL Veggies and lentils!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Favorite Things

Collard Greens!!!!
Can you stream Netflix? If so, make your husband watch! My husband has got so many tips! But your spouse will need to be open-minded. :) I got an amazingly cooked dinner and romance from tips from these fab five!        

Favorite Things

Favorite Things!

CitraSolv! My second mother Kathy got me into this and I love it! You can find it at Whole Foods and Vitamin Cottage in Fort Collins!    

Queso Melt Original Block
Queso-Melt is a necessity in our household. It is like my Velveeta but WAY better!

Oh need I say more! It is rated an 81 from Wine Spectator and inexpensive!      


There is a lot to be said about Facebook in both good and bad.  However, I have chosen to look and utilize it as good.  It has been 5 months since Cy has been home and a lot of my activities that I became custom to are just really hard to do right now.  People that I normally talk to have been missed, but there are a few people that I never loose touch with on a daily basis. They are the people that I chat with on Facebook. via email and Instagram.

One of my earliest memories was of my grandmother was sitting at her desk writing letters to her friends. She was amazing writer and wonderful at how well she kept in touch with people. She had friends she had met once but wrote letters to on a regular basis until she died. Maybe a picture of kids or grand-kids, but mostly just feelings, thoughts, etc...In her pantry next to the kidney beans was stock piles of cards. I swear I think that she bought them every time they went on sale and even after she passed I still took some with me...and that was almost 20 years ago. My grandmother was an amazing woman who made a huge impact on my life and defines who I am today.  One thing that I always admired her for was her passion for keeping in touch.  She was an amazing woman!

Things have changed since my grandmothers time, things have become easier.  You no longer have to buy paper, envelope or send out in postage. You can have that friend on Facebook or Instagram and keep up on what is going on in their lives. Instead of sitting down and thinking of your letter you can make a comment on a post and  you does count.  I love these social media sites for this vary reason.  Being my age I have friends all over the place and I am sure I will move again in my life but what I love is the easy way to keep in touch. Even without social media...we have the Internet! Shoot an email to a good friend across the seas.  I have become closer to friends via Facebook and I love it! Wishing that some of my friends lived closer or I to them.

I think if my grandmother was alive today she would be so impressed with how accessible it is to keep your friendships healthy and alive. I acknowledge this writing situation as I have gained some really close friends and they are not even in my backyard.  Friends whom I can't wait to hear about their day or see the pictures of their first day of school. It is just so wonderful! I feel so thankful everyday for the people in my life.  For the people whom makes me smile and laugh through their words. People always think friends have to be at your back door when really they can be across the ocean floor.

Remember...keeping in touch is easy. Pay attention to those relationships that are healthy and maybe sometime...pick up a pen...and write an actual letter.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 2, 2012

8 Pounds and a Muffin Top later...

These past 4 months I have literally ate my feelings! TCBY at work almost everyday, fast food (I know so bad but when you are starving and driving a kid around for hours what other choice), sweets, root beer floats, brownies, did I mention the sweets.  Seriously, Jeremy and I have strayed so far but we are flipping a bitch and coming back around!

I have been back hitting the pavement and as long as my body can handle it...I love running. I take Cy on my runs and we do about 20 minutes (run/walk) and I have convinced my awesome husband to do strength training with me once a week. My goal if we can get some form of exercise 3x a month...that is good for now. This doesn't include all the walks and chasing around a toddler! Now the hard part...the food!

Loving food and living well I believe can go hand and hand...and I love good food. Even what I feed Cy is somewhat gourmet and he has developed a taste for some good food, hence since the kid rarely eats regular toddler food (mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs...the kid won't eat). I keep praying that he will be a chef and not the chef at Applebee's  but a chef at a famous restaurant or maybe open up his own! I hope all our travels expose him to amazing cultures and food!  Living my life I want for me and my family I basically decided on smaller portions, no fried food (unless for a treat), limited dairy and reducing some other areas. I like everything, meat, veggies, beans, cheese, etc. So I figure diversity is important. With having Cy we kind of eat the same thing all the time and that is probably not the best, but our reality. I am a HUGE fan of eating Mediterranean/Italian/Spanish style with an occasional steak. I am excited to see how much I will loose as December is my goal!

Feels soooo good to be getting back in the saddle again! Even if I run one day I feel great! Healthy body = Healthy mind! Slowly getting back in gear!  I actually told Jeremy today that I might be okay with a little Muffin Top! As I love to eat and enjoy a good glass of wine...can I never have a muffin top? I am not sure but what I do that to live is to eat!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Life, Love and Liberty

A friend of a friend on Facebook (funny how that works) recently made a post about toxic people and I found it hitting home as Jeremy and I were just talking about it today.

Part of my own journey toward change has involved recognizing that the power to change lies within myself, and I can’t place blame on any other person for what I choose to do with my life or choose not to do with my life. That being said, my own experience has also shown that the people I surround myself with play a major role in supporting me in my desire to change, accepting the person that I am or dragging me back toward the person that I used to be.

There are different types of people we may have to weed out of our lives if we want to move forward in a positive direction. Keep in mind that I’m not discussing all difficult relationships; some challenging relationships are well worth keeping.

There is no way we can survive in this world by ourselves and I am sure at times that I have been judged as a toxic person and visa versa., but that past few months have made me rethink and as we come out of the trenches...there really isn't many people around. I remember recently watching "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" (don't judge) about a firefighter who was badly burned and his friends who were by his side during recovery.  It made me think who I have lost contact with while I struggled with the challenges and joys of adoption these past few months and REALLY who is close to you.  I mean if people can't empathize with me in this situation...imagine if it was worse or tragic.

Tips of Keeping up with the Friendships/Family (I got this from somewhere on the internet but can no longer find the site.:) ). 

  1. A commitment to your happiness A true friend is consistently willing to put your happiness before your friendship. It's said that "good advice grates on the ear," but a true friend won't refrain from telling you something you don't want to hear, something that may even risk fracturing the friendship, if hearing it lies in your best interest. A true friend will not lack the mercy to correct you when you're wrong. A true friend will confront you with your drinking problem as quickly as inform you about a malignant-looking skin lesion on your back that you can't see yourself.
  2. Not asking you to place the friendship before your principles. A true friend won't ask you to compromise your principles in the name of your friendship or anything else. Ever.
  3. A good influence. A true friend inspires you to live up to your best potential, not to indulge your basest drives.
I hope all of us take the time to feel thankful for the people in our lives, near and far. To take care, hold close and continued growth and understanding of the one's we love.

Peace and Love

Thursday, August 23, 2012


My husband and I can not express how much love we have for our son Cy.  However, I definitely know that I went through a period of minor depression. Nothing serious by all means but I can tell this past few weeks how much better I feel and realized I wasn't myself.

I always knew Cy would be around 22 months or so when we would bring him home but in my mind he was still a baby and not a toddler. Going from no kids to a toddler was crazy! This child can talk, has an opinion, it was crazy! All the books and training were geared toward bringing home and infant. As much as our social worker would tell us to not take his grieving personal, it was hard not too.  I also felt pretty alone, that nobody understood or could relate. Then there was, "my kid is perfect" or "why is he not adjusting ours adjusted quickly." Was something wrong with Cy?

The answer no. I put so much pressure on other peoples opinions and situations that I didn't really LOOK at my own baby. I think one of the biggest problems, while I enjoyed people coming to visit, it put a lot of added pressure on me. So when I should have been trying to figure out being a mother, a wife now that we have a child it was hard enough without having to be "on" and entertain. I don't want people to get the wrong idea, I appreciated everyone coming in to meet Cy but I think in the long run we really should of had people wait. The other difficulty was grieving.

Cy really struggled with the loss of his foster family and it was so painful. I am a control freak and I truly think the fact I couldn't control this was really difficult for me. I loved Cy from the second we got him and bond more and more with him everyday! Bonding and me not attaching to him was never an issue. However, I have to be honest...I had fears. What if he grew up and we didn't raise him right and he retaliated. What if I don't teach him well. It is a lot to raise a good man, will I do a good job? I doubted myself and my abilities as a mother. My husband was great as he told me he always knew I would be a good mother, but would I be? I am sure ALL new moms have these fears. I have to thank our social worker Maggie as she was amazing for me! She was there for me often and after awhile it got easier.  I couldn't have done it without her.

I definitely feel good now but realized in the moment and looking back that I struggled a little. I think the hard part for me is doing it on my own. My friend Sarah (I know we have the same name, both from Minnesota and seriously are SO similar) was great. When I confided in her she was very helpful. I am very thankful for her! She never judged me and completely understood what I was going through. Our conversations made me laugh and realize that what I was going through was actually normal (to a point ;-))

Now coming out I feel so much more empowered and feel that others if they ever go through it don't be afraid to talk about it. I am thankful that mine wasn't severe and I was aware of it.

I did find some great links for you to check out if you want to read more about PADS.

Post-Adoption Depression

First Year Home with your Toddler

Baby Shock

I love this women's blog! I Am Not The Babysitter

Peace and Love

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's Been Awhile

It has been awhile since I last wrote and I have so many great things to talk about!

Cy is attaching and bonding more and more every day.  He has such a beautiful personality that shines through and makes my heart go pitter patter. He is playing independently more and more AND he talks all the time. Half the time I have no idea what he is saying but it can be pretty funny!

Here are some of Cy's favorite things:

  • TRUCKS! He loves them! Points them out. Wants to read about them before he goes to bed.
  • Airplanes. If he even hears one in the sky he says, "Ooo plane" and points to the sky.
  • He loves our neighbor Matt and his dog Bindi
  • He is open to trying everything
  • He enjoys helping me cook
  • He loves Aunt and Uncles Jill, Eric, David, Melissa, CoCo and Owen
  • He really enjoys watering the garden
  • He is getting better about swimming and being in the pool
  • He prefers our Jeep over the Prius. No idea why but he likes riding and playing in the Jeep.
  • He loves music! Still and probably always!
  • His recent new words (there are a lot) "mine" or "me"
  • He loves to climb and pull himself up! We are doing parent/tot at GK to get his gymnastics skills on.
  • He is really eating now as he has grown almost 4 inches in 3 months
  • He said "home" this past week and put his arms up in the air in his room! This is big because he usually says "home" and wants to leave. I almost cried!
  • He loves all his cars that he can ride or scoot around on.
  • He loves playing the guitar.
  • He definitely mimics all we do which can be entertaining at times. 
  • Cy loves the ladies and is a little mac daddy.
  • He LOVES Grandma Irene. His reactions when she comes over are priceless. 
  • Manchego Cheese
  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • He can eat spicy food sometimes
  • Any "Annies" product he loves!
  • Loves Chocolate!
  • Cy is super shy and social at the same time.
  • He LOVES going to the park and swinging.
Cy doesn't watch TV or really sit still at all!  Sometimes I wish he would just sit down and watch something and it doesn't work. I really shouldn't mind as I love that he plays and likes to be creative but sometimes Mommy needs 5 minutes. I have got him watching Finding Nemo and Spain on the Road Again, etc...

I know for me I am starting to settle in. We met with our social worker yesterday and we talked how things are starting to feel better and flow.  I am starting to get a feel of when he is overtired, or had to much, or hungry, etc...It has taken us awhile to figure all that out. As he is getting more comfortable with us, we are with him and the routine. The reality of there are no breaks, changing how you do everything, planning, organizing, etc...Pretty much all the normal stuff as a parent that you feel and go through. I LOVE being a mother and especially to Cy. As we bond more and more I hate being away from him! He is finally off the bottle! He is eating more and more solids! We are still struggling with sleep (or I should say Jeremy as he does full sleep duty) as he wakes up every few hours. However, he did sleep through the night last Thursday and Friday! Whoo! He will take medicine willingly now too. We feel like it has been baby steps for each hurdle and we are slowly overcoming it.

I see us now trying to reach out to people and hang out more and more. We hung out with friends at New West Fest and people have been swinging by the house. I actually took Cy to a friends house last Friday (it was awful and he literally was all over the place) but the point is that we went out! Jeremy is the resident neighborhood dad, meeting people all the time. Which is great! I love our neighborhood and our town so much! I know we will not be in Fort Collins forever but while we are here we are enjoying all our awesome town has to offer!

Peace and Love!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


My sister and I have been through a lot together in our lifetime. We have seen each others ups and downs. However, recently I would say our relationship is at it's best!  I don't know if it is me becoming a mother or what but we definitely have bonded.  I think I spend more time with her then anyone else. I rarely get tired of her and wish that we would actually do more stuff together.

It is funny how strong our bond is.  My sister and I grew up in good old Nebraska. I am not sure how much of that time she remembers but I remember it very clearly.  She was the annoying little girl who would trail behind me, or chase me around and my play mate when nobody was there.  When my mom left my father and we moved to Minnesota we became each others ally and worst nightmare. I think because of our home situation we leaned on each other and I felt sort of a protector for her and because we were kids I couldn't stand her. But it was her moving to Fort Collins that really forged our bond!

I know it annoys her when I can be bossy, but I am just a bossy person. I have always been protective, defender and so proud of my sister. She is truly an amazingly smart, generous, dry humored and loving person.  I couldn't be more proud of all that she has accomplished. I love that we live close to each other and see each other almost every week. She is the first person I talk to every morning. When we are on vacation and don't talk every day there is this void and we both can't wait to chat, complain, laugh or bitch to each other when we get back from our trip.

Recently, with me becoming a mom I feel our relationship has grown so close. She was the only person we wanted to spend our first 72 hours with after bring our son home from Korea. I love going over there and seeing Cy so excited to hang out with his Aunt Jill, Uncle Eric, Grandma and CoCo!  She always tells me we are not friends, but we are sisters...but I feel that she is more then just my sister. I know we will not always live close together and if I had my way we would never be more then a cars drive apart. I cherish this time living close to her, spending time together and watching our kids grow up together. I look forward to our families taking vacations together! I feel so thankful every day that I have her in my life! She IS my best friend and strongest supporter! I love ya Jill!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Reason, Season or Lifetime

I remember this poem from when I was in college and I think about it often.

As I enter this new phase of life I think of those amazing friendships I have had throughout my life and those people who I feel so fortunate are still in my life and those who are there in Facebook...but have moved on. While some are near and far they are cherished and appreciated.

Reason, Season, or Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

— Unknown

Psychology Today...

Well we had our last round of visitors for the rest of the year! Cy has seen everyone and it has been great that so many people want to come and meet the little guy!  Robert and Milly were great fun and Cy really took to both of them and he enjoyed his time playing. I feel so blessed marrying into such a wonderful and accepting family.  We have loved everyone who has come out to visit and meet the little man.

Cy's personality is developing more and more everyday. Recently, his new favorite thing is bubbles in the bath tub. I got a heavy hand last week and put a ton of bubble soap in the tub and it was overflowing with bubbles and when Cy came in to the bathroom a shriek I have never heard came from his lips, "Bubbles." he said. He is loving bath time now and I love seeing him so excited.

He is really starting to eat more food. He still chokes sometimes on certain food but I think that will continue to change. This week we are prepping him that we will be taking the bottle away. I hate doing it as it will be hell for a week or so but it is so important. Our social worker said talk to him about it before we actually do it, so we are starting to talk to him and tell him it is going to be happening. I will keep you posted on how that will go.

Life has been such a whirlwind these past 3 months. So many visitors, doctors visits, learning, growing, crying, laughing etc. You name it we have felt it and been through it. As much as we have loved all of our visitors I am excited for it to be complete. I am excited to just hang out with Jeremy and Cy. I am excited to start seeing our friends and have them get to know Cy and fall in love with him as much as we have fallen in love. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


We are heading into our 4th month with our little dude! I can't tell you how much I love that kid despite all the hard times.  His personality is coming out more and more and he cracks me up.  I think we are in the toddler testing stage as he will literally throw his bottle in front of him and then cry for "Uyu" which means milk in Korean. If he doesn't get his way, he throws a tantrum. I am totally coming out as the softy in our parenting world. I try and be strong but I hate to see him cry, even if it is manipulative.

Cy is definitely eating more all the time and seems to have a palate similar to ours. We gave up on feeding him toddler type food as all he wanted was what we eat, so I changed our diet. I love to watch him as he is discovering food is fuel and eating more and more and MORE importantly swallowing! He is such a happier kid the more he eats. His language is coming along so well! He communicates and says more words every day. He said his first sentence a week ago, "Grandma look at my truck." I about flipped out I was so excited. I love his voice and laugh it makes my heart melt.

This past weekend I had a break from him and got to sit outside in the beautiful summer Colorado air, listening to Brandi and Ingrid and staring over Denver thinking about my family...which I have! I sat there thinking about how lucky I am to be blessed with a child and a wonderful husband. I am so happy. There is so much more purpose to every day (despite REALLY missing working out). Let me tell you it has been a bumpy road with him and I do not even want to THINK about what it is going to be like when we pull the bottle! But years from now we won't even remember, except all the pictures with his bottle in his mouth.

I look forward to him attaching more and more! He calls us Mommy and DeDe all the time. He is doing more independent play. He is finding things he enjoys. He is loving and giving hugs. I just love the that he is becoming this person. He is so independent too!

I think you kind of freak out when you first get home like, Shit! Where is the rule book. How does this work. What if I break him. What if I mess up! Everything goes through my head!  I just want to be the best parent, mother and wife. I hope along the way I meet some good friends and Cy grows up to be an accepting, loving and caring person. I will do my best to raise him to the best of my abilities. I definitely feel like I have changed in the past 3 months. I feel like everything about has me has been tested. I feel that I am more focused on what is important. I feel that I have mellowed (a little). I feel that I see the world and people through different eyes. I feel that I am a better person for being the mother of Cy.

Peace and Love

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Best Invention....EVER!

I was never a fan of the Eye Mask until I brought my son home. It is a life saver! When you have to catch a snooze in the middle of the day to regenerate, the eye mask are the best! I can't believe I haven't used it sooner!!!

Brandi Carlile....LOVE HER!

Brandi Carlile "The Story" At the concert looking over Denver this powerful song made me think of my wonderful husband and everything we have been through in the past few years with ourselves and family.

The song below is called "That Wasn't Me" and just tears. So beautifully written and sung.

 "Dreams" I loved all the instruments in this song live!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Family Pictures

My dear friend Adrienne took these great first pictures of our new family. I wanted to share them with you. Cy had just been home a little over a month. I feel so thankful to have these pictures and be able to always treasure our homecoming! Despite how hard things get and they will, I am so thankful every day for my husband Jeremy and our son Cy.

In the Weeds

We have been making good progress with Cy until last week.  He seems to have reverted back to grieving, wanting to be any place but home, crying for the car and not eating. It can be a little disheartening as we were making such great strides. I think him being sick, again is catalyst for our set back.  I have been around our other friends with adoptive kids and I feel like our situation is so different. I mean I understand we will all have different situations but man this can be rough! 

I just wish Cy would trust we are good for him, will always be here and never leave. If he got that, it would be so happy. One thing can be a game changer; giving him medicine, changing diapers, putting a shirt on, pulling in the driveway...they all can be game changers. I have noticed myself coming to bat with great patience when I see Jeremy break. I think the hardest for Jeremy is giving him medicine. We have tried every sneak attack and finally we just have to use the syringe. He screams and cries with fear and who wouldn't when you are having something shoved in your mouth...but man we have tried spoons, hiding it in drinks, the medicine spoons, bottles, etc. I mean what doctor gives you a prescription for Amoxicillin for 2x a day for 10 days! OMG! I seriously want to cry!

We knew this would be tough and I know in 6 months we will look back and barely remember, but being in the shit is tough. According to our social worker the other few families she is working with are doing GREAT! So what are we doing wrong? He knows we are mommy and daddy, I am no longer worried about attachment but these battles! Is he testing us? Do we hold our ground? Is he really having a set back?

Sorry to be Debbie Downer but I just had to get this time off my chest. It is very cathartic to put the frustrations out there!